「Feuer(フォイヤ)」は、家族全員を失い唯一生き残った祖父の一人娘である母の旧姓で、シェインワルド フォイヤ オハッド(通称リファ)だけが受け継いだミドルネームです。
またドイツ語で「火」 🔥という意味で、鍛冶の仕事を示し、そしてオハッドが注ぐ「火」のような力強い、作品作りへの情熱やエネルギーを表現しているので、より個人として、アーティストやクラフトマンとして相応しいと思っています。
The name of our business have changed!
We are still here, I am still passionately making and creating but trying to express the personal aspect of who I am as a craftsman and presenting our life and adventures in rural Japan.
For the past decade I am intensely dedicating myself to the craft, improving my skills and implementing what I've been learning and practicing since childhood, following my father's professional upbringing along with the lessons from architecture studies and general life experience.
Feuer is my mother's maiden name which I received due to her being an only child and I carry the name proudly. The meaning in German is fire 🔥 which is naturally connected to my work, therefore became the new name of the business and I feel will represent me better as an individual, artist and craftsman.
I hope you will keep following and enjoy our journey.